Heroin Addiction Treatment at Morningside Recovery

Treatment Facility

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1400 Reynolds Avenue
Irvine, California 92614
(855) 273-2916
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Ages & Modality
Elders (65+)

Freedom From Addiction Heroin is the most addictive illegal drug in the world, and is nearly impossible to quit without help. At Morningside Recovery, we offer specialized treatment that gives individuals real resources to recover. We even help clients find employment, apply for school, and find sober housing after treatment. Addition & Mental Health Treatment We address and treat the mental health issues at the root of heroin addiction. Our Master's-and Doctoral-level therapists specialize in dual diagnosis treatment for addiction and any co-occurring mental health issues. We identify the reason for addiction and offer a lasting solution. Clients choose from over 60 therapy groups and work one-on-one with a primary therapist to achieve lasting recovery. To meet the unique needs of the clients, we also offer wilderness retreats, surf lessons, yoga, and variety of other alternative therapies. Accepts Insurance + Allows Pets & Mobile Devices Cost should not be a barrier to getting the best treatment possible. Morningside Recovery accepts most insurance policies. Unlike most other treatment centers, clients are allowed to bring their mobile phone, personal electronics, and even their pet.
My Specialties
Alcohol Abuse
Dual Diagnosis
Academic Underachievement
Anger Management
Behavioral Issues
Bipolar Disorder
Borderline Personality
Career Counseling
Chronic Impulsivity
Chronic Relapse
Coping Skills
Drug Abuse
Emotional Disturbance
Family Conflict
Dissociative Disorders
Impulse Control Disorders
Mood Disorders